Forced Labour Report

1. Introduction

DOTDASH MEREDITH INC. Forced Labour Report

Dotdash Meredith Inc. (“Dotdash Meredith”) is committed to conducting its business affairs in accordance with not only the requirements of law, but also in accordance with standards of ethical conduct that will maintain and foster the company’s reputation for honest and straightforward business dealings. We are committed to respecting and upholding the fundamental human rights of all individuals affected by our operations, and are dedicated to conducting our business affairs in accordance with international labor standards and guidelines.

This document constitutes the report (“Report”) made by Dotdash Meredith pursuant to Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (the “Act”) for the financial year ended December 31, 2023 (the “Reporting Period”).

2. Operations, Structure and Supply Chains


Dotdash Meredith is one of the largest digital and print publishers in the United States. We own a portfolio of over 40 publishing brands including PEOPLE, Entertainment Weekly, Investopedia, Food & Wine, Allrecipes, InStyle and Better Homes & Gardens. These digital and print businesses engage consumers across multiple media platforms and formats, as well as through licensing arrangements and magazines.

Through Dotdash Meredith’s digital business, we offer a variety of digital advertising products and services, from traditional digital display advertisements and performance marketing arrangements to new advertising products and services developed in response to evolving digital advertising trends.

Through Dotdash Meredith’s print business, we are a leading magazine publisher in the United States. We published 17 magazines as well as more than 400 special interest publications during the Reporting Period.

Dotdash Meredith distributes print magazines on a subscription basis (both direct and via agency partners) and through newsstands, with the majority of distribution occurring on a subscription basis. The company imports finished magazines into Canada for newsstand sale and delivery to subscribers.


Dotdash Meredith is an operating business of IAC Inc. (“IAC”). It is incorporated in the U.S. under the laws of the State of Delaware. The company’s Canadian operations are located primarily in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario. Approximately 2% of Dotdash Meredith’s global workplace are based in Canada. The Canadian workforce largely consists of technology developers, engineers and analysts.

Supply Chains

Dotdash Meredith is committed to treating workers with respect and dignity, ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, and conducting environmentally responsible, legal, and ethical operations. We seek to work with suppliers that embrace the same social, environmental, legal, and ethical commitments. Dotdash Meredith expects suppliers to comply with applicable laws, including international business laws.

During the Reporting Period, Dotdash Meredith procured goods and services across a range of categories and industry sectors. The categories of goods and services accounting for our highest procurement spend were paper, print production and digital cloud-based software. The vast majority of our suppliers are based in the United States, with a smaller number of suppliers based in Europe. In the case of our print business, we produce print magazines in the United States and rely on one supplier (the only one capable of

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producing such print magazines) to do so. We also rely primarily on two wholesalers, each of which is the only distributor of scale in its respective geographical regions, to distribute the substantial majority of our print magazines to newsstands in the United States. We rely on multiple third parties to supply us with paper for our print magazines, the largest of which are located in the European Union.

3. Policies and Due Diligence Processes

Supplier Principles

We aim to reduce the risk of forced labour and child labour in our activities and supply chain through our Supplier Principles (the “Principles”). The Principles outline the business practices that Dotdash Meredith believes will encourage suppliers to help address global social challenges and which align with our business practices. We expect suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and contractual obligations. Dotdash Meredith also encourages our suppliers to adopt their own principles, codes or statements of best practices that work in tandem with these Principles. When questions arise about these Principles, Dotdash Meredith welcomes discussion to resolve them.

The Principles sets forth our policies and procedures in areas of human rights, health and safety, the environment and compliance and business integrity. As specifically relates to the issues of forced labour and child labour, the Principles set out the following best practices for suppliers:

  • Work Freely Chosen and Combating Modern Slavery. Suppliers should not use or permit any form of forced or bonded labour. Work must be voluntary. Suppliers should not unreasonably restrict workers’ freedom to move into, out of, or at working facilities. Suppliers should not engage, directly or indirectly, in abusive or coercive labour practices (e.g., unreasonably withholding workers’ documents or property, or requiring workers to pay recruitment or other fees for their employment).
  • Child Labour. Suppliers will not use child labour. “Child” means any person under the age of 15, under the requisite age for completing compulsory education and/or under the requisite age for legal employment in the applicable country, whichever is greatest.
  • Human Trafficking. Suppliers should not engage, directly or indirectly, in human trafficking (e.g., recruiting, transporting, or receiving persons by means of threat or use of force or coercion for the purpose of exploiting them).
  • Conditions of Employment and Wages. Except in emergency or unusual conditions, weekly hours shall not exceed the maximum set by applicable law. Workers should be allowed at least one day off every seven days. Suppliers should pay legally mandated wages and benefits and provide workers documentation of doing so via a printed or electronic pay stub.
  • Fair Treatment, Non-Discrimination, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Suppliers should not permit harassment, abuse, corporal punishment, or inhumane treatment. Suppliers should not discriminate in screening, hiring, or employment practices based on race, colour, national origin/ethnicity, gender identity/gender expression, creed, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military service, or any other legally protected characteristic. Internal Reporting and Compliance with Labour Laws. Suppliers should permit workers to communicate and share grievances openly with management about working conditions without fear of reprisal or harassment.
    Furthermore, we encourage our suppliers to use systems and implement procedures designed to ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations and to achieve the best practices outlined in these Principles.

IAC Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

As a subsidiary of IAC, Dotdash Meredith is subject to IAC’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”). The Code applies to all IAC directors, officers and employees, and all directors, officers and employees of IAC’s businesses. Individuals who violate the standards in the Code may be subject to disciplinary action.

The Code is informed by the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The Code acknowledges the importance of principles that promote a fair and ethical workplace, including:

  • The Elimination of all Forms of Forced or Compulsory Labour. The Code strictly prohibits the use of forced, bonded, or involuntary labour in any aspect of its operations. All work performed shall be voluntary, and no employee shall be compelled to work against their will.
  • The Effective Abolition of Child Labour. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of children and preventing child labour in any form. The Code prohibits the employment of individuals below the legal minimum age for employment. The Code mandates compliance with all relevant laws and regulations related to child labour. Further, the Code requires any instances of child labour within its supply chain to be identified and addressed.
    Due Diligence Processes
    Dotdash Meredith does not currently screen potential suppliers or conduct due diligence on existing suppliers on the basis of forced labour or child labour-related risks. We are committed to respecting human rights in all aspects of our operations and business activities and are considering how such processes may be incorporated into our supply chain.

4. Identifying and Managing Modern Slavery Risks

Dotdash Meredith considers the risk of modern slavery in our direct operations to be low. Our employees are mainly comprised of skilled editorial, professional and administrative staff based out of Canada and the United States that work in an office environment. Further, we do not hire employees who are under the age of 18 and all employees and contractors have a written contract that conforms to applicable laws and regulations.

The vast majority of our suppliers are based in the United States. Therefore, we consider the risk of modern slavery within the first tier of our supply chain to be low. Additional work is required in order to better understand the risks of modern slavery in our supply chain.

5. Remediation Measures

Dotdash Meredith has not identified any forced labour or child labour in our operations or supply chain. As a result, we have not had to take any measures to remediate any forced labour or child labour or to remediate a loss of income for vulnerable families. We are dedicated to upholding our commitments to combat these issues while actively working to mitigate any resulting adverse impacts.

We value the input of our employees and are committed to maintaining a work environment where everyone can communicate openly and without fear of retaliation. The Code contains a policy mandating that employees must report any violations of the Code to the general counsel of the applicable IAC business, IAC’s Legal Department or through the confidential reporting hotline or portal.

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6. Training

We do not currently provide training to employees on issues of forced labour or child labour, but may offer targeted training sessions to relevant employee groups in the future.

7. Assessing Our Effectiveness

Dotdash Meredith recognizes that we have a responsibility to assess and mitigate the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain over the long term. While we have begun to take steps to assess and mitigate those risks, we have not yet taken any actions to assess the effectiveness of those actions.

8. Approval and Attestation

This Report was approved pursuant to subparagraph 11(4)(a) of the Act by the board of directors of Dotdash Meredith Inc.

In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest for and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Dotdash Meredith Inc. that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity listed above. Based on the knowledge of the Board, having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest for and on behalf of the Board that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the Reporting Period.

Per: Kendall Handler
Title: Director and VP & Assistant Secretary
Date: May 30, 2024